
If everything went well in the previous chapter, your Void system has successfully booted and you have unlocked your disk in order to be prompted with the login screen in a terminal. Since you only have root available, the first thing to be done is not to be root anymore, so let's create a user account.

Creating the main user

Log in as root, set your username to a variable, let's say, MY_USERNAME, and run:

# xbps-install -S zsh
# useradd -m -G wheel,input,video -s /bin/zsh $MY_USERNAME
# passwd $MY_USERNAME
# visudo

After running visudo, uncomment the line that contains %wheel. Log out and then log in with the newly created user.

Note: If you want to lock down the root account, you can run sudo passwd -dl root. Be careful though, as you won't be able to log in using the root account anymore, so make sure your account has root privileges with sudo!